Open Range

Open Range with Kevin Costner and Robert Duvall is one of my favourite movies. A good western should enlighten us on the moral dilemma on how to behave in a lawless land. What is permitted when there’s no precedence, that inaction is not an option, how to stay modest, self-disciplined and true even in the face of victory and its spoils when the bad guys are gunned down. 

Open Range seems a good metaphor now when the good guys bloggers seem to finally outgun the bad guys mainstream media in a number of controversies.  

  •  The climate bluff seems on the brink to be called. Even powerful sites like the Huffington Post that brought Barack to victory now take in articles on global cooling. The Goracle backs down on his most monstrous lies but what about the rest o’ them ? 
  • Norway experiences unchartered territory when the Progress Party breaks the taboo on immigration. Norway’s Winston Churchill/ Barack Obama – Siv Jensen – just said that a silent moslemification should be checked. Then all hell broke loose even if 70% of voters  are with her.  Mainstream media closets are full of skeletons of insider trades so to say. And it’s not a pretty sight. Fex the Moslem Council in Norway is a monster created by among others Aftenposten, once a conservative organ now hijacked by a shady PC-lobby. Norwegian Moslems would be well advised to elect themselves smarter and more educated spokesmen.  Aftenposten cuts down on their paper editions, Dagbladet will probably disappear this year.  Time for champaign and cigars !  

When the priests in the mainstream media loose control – what happens next ? 

  • The Political Power will have to face the digital universe with their own armour. Bloggers’ ranking is based on such new standards as eloquence, honesty, truth, factseeking, openness and objectivity.  That will be very tough for traditional denialists and natural born liars to adapt to. 
  • Transparency and tracability will set off a revolution in public relations and political debates. Stakeholders who dont proof upfront that they got their facts straight will be turned into laughing stock, ignored and loose any bragging rights. 
  • Long unreadable Sunday edition chronicles will have no audience. Cover up schemes within the infotainment elite or the mediapolitico establishments will no longer be possible.
  • Academic stardom and exclusive scientific foras will die as proven irrelevant. I acknowledge the need for business discretion. The Big Q is how far such discretion should go. At least I can’t see any need to keep finance arrangements secret since no individual can rightfully or meaningfully own billions. But more on that later. 

open-rangeThey just wanted to save their cows but ended up delivering justice all over the place.